Food - Lifestyle

Food for the Soul

Food plays an important role in every culture and even religion. With the Hindus, they forbid eating beef and many Native American tribes prohibited eating certain foods depending on the area  In order to fully recognize the body, the mind, and the soul, one must also consider which foods should be taken in and at what times.  Whenever we go to the grocery store we are faced with the choices of processed foods, whole food choices, organic foods, or genetically modified foods, fruits, and nutrients. What is also important is the thoughts we use to propel our minds and souls. Fresh fruits, seeds, and nuts are the better choices over burgers, doughnuts, and fried foods.

Food for the Soul: Thoughts
Healthy actions must match healthy foods. By taking in more of the following you will be nourishing your soul inside.

1. Be thankful. It is rare to be truly thankful. How much have you received and will continue to receive? The best is always ready for you, so this is reason to be grateful. :
Expecting good things shows the maturity of a grateful mind. It is a faith, of sorts, that everything coming forth is going to be good. You can nourish your soul by starting to state five things that you are grateful for each day.

2. Even if it is small appreciate it. Liking the scent of the flowers, a good breeze on a hot day, the silence, and even the sharp taste of food. Valuing each moment with a slight smile or a thought of mindfulness to be appreciative. Being in the moment also helps. If you are stuck on your phone or on social media, then you can rarely appreciate the small things as you are overlooking them. All of your senses must be present and accounted for in order to take life in full.

3. When thinking about love we tend to think of this as an emotion between lovers. Love can take many forms so do not limit it to only one way.  In order to begin to love anyone else, we must first start with ourselves. Loving on yourself is where to begin each day. What is it that you love about yourself? Only after you have defined and nurtured this love for yourself should you then look to show others your love for them.

4. Laughter can bring about so much pleasure for the body. By laughing, it releases tension and relaxes the muscles. Laughing has been compared to a workout. Ask those who take a laughter yoga class. Laughter is the answer to how your body can restore itself. Laughing increases blood flow too.  There is always something to laugh about. Find a reason to laugh even if it’s insignificant. Get silly and allow this natural medicine to nourish your soul.

5. In everything that is done you can find joy. Being joyful is being positive. There is always something joyful to celebrate. If you made your meal yourself instead of going out to eat. If your child shared a lovely drawing with you, then find joy in this act. The sun rises and the sun sets each day so that is a joy to behold too. Joy is nourishment and helps you celebrate the day even before you get out of bed.

Food for the Soul: Ingesting
By ingesting these foods you are feeding your soul inside with more energy and healing of the body:

Magnesium helps with serotonin. If no serotonin, then you will feel depressed, fatigued, and anxious. Spinach also has plenty of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, zinc and selenium. Selenium helps with high blood pressure.

These gems of everything good are great to add to a smoothie or a fruit salad. They are also loaded with vitamins. Add these blue wonders as a snack instead of reaching for an unhealthy choice.

The mono-saturated fats in nuts are what make them healthy. Walnuts have omega-3 fatty acids.

With only 100 grams of broccoli, your body will have taken in more than the daily intake of vitamin C. Say goodbye to those colds for the wintertime.

Vitamin D is loaded in salmon. This puts you in a good mood. For those with the challenge of getting more sunlight in the wintertime, eating salmon could make up for that. Add a piece to your dinner plate and enjoy.

Sweet potato
If you are stressed, instead of reaching for chocolate grab some sweet potato. You can warm this vegetable in the oven quickly or make it into another dish. You will also feel full.

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